A first Project Steering Committee (PSC) was established on January 2016 to oversee project execution and to ensure continued regional ownership. The PSC provides overall strategic policy and management direction for the project and plays a critical role in reviewing and approving the project planning & execution conducted by the PCU, the Executing Agency and the PEG members. In line with the adoption of an adaptive management approach, the PSC reviews project progress, makes recommendations and adopts the (biennial) project work plans and budget.
It is expected that three meetings of the Steering Committee will take place during the project implementation period:
- the Project Inception Meeting
- the Project Mid-Term Meeting
- the Final Project Meeting.
The CLME+ Project Steering Committee is composed of:
- National Representatives from all participating States
- Representatives from Dependent Territories within the CLME+ Region (France, Netherlands, United Kingdom, United States)
- Representative of the GEF Agency (UNDP)
- Representatives of the Executing Agency (UNOPS)
- Representatives of the Project Partners
- Representatives of key co-financing partners (CLME+ partnership members)
Additional stakeholder representatives from private sector, academia, CSOs, NGOs etc. can be invited to become members of the PSC during the project execution.