Survey of the regional science-policy interface for ocean governance in the Wider Caribbean Region

Year of publication: 2012
Authors: P. McConney, L. Fanning, R. Mahon, B. Simmon / UWI-CERMES
Pages: #55 p.

Abstract: This report, following a brief review of literature on the topic, describes the process and product of an interview investigation of the science-policy interface in the WCR conducted as part of the  Regional Governance Framework (RGF) consultancy with the CLME project. The report contributes to developing the RGF and formulating a Strategic Action Programme (SAP) as the next major stage of the CLME project. The target audiences are all CLME participants and interested parties. Findings should be of particular interest to those dealing with the Information Management System and Regional Environmental Monitoring Programme. Twenty countries and four regional organisations were  surveyed, resulting in 103 respondents from 73 interviews across the organizations and government ministries concerned with environment, fisheries, foreign affairs and tourism that were targeted.

World Oceans Day 2017 – “Our Oceans, Our Future”

Puntarenas, Costa Rica. 8 to 9 June 2017 – Hosted by the Ministry of Environment and Energy of Costa Rica and UN Environment

The CLME+ Project Coordination Unit and several of the CLME+ Project Partners participated in the Global Dialogue on Oceans, an event that raised awareness of the threats facing the oceans and affirmed commitments to reduce pollution and achieve SDG 14 on the sustainable use of the ocean.

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Central “CLME+” Web Portal launched on World Ocean Day

The “CLME+ Hub” was pre-launched on World Ocean Day on June 9th 2017. The Hub is accessible via the URL, and will support the mobilisation and progressive expansion of the global “CLME+ Alliance and Partnership” for the sustainable management and use of marine resources in the CLME+ region.

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Towards the institutionalization of the CLME+ SAP Monitoring & Evaluation mechanisms

The institutionalization process for the Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) mechanism for the 10-year CLME+ Strategic Action Programme (SAP) is moving well ahead.

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IOCARIBE 35th Anniversary, International Marine Science Conference

May 5, 2017 – The International Marine Science Conference, organized by the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO and hosted by the Colombian Ocean Commission, took place in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia on April 24th and 25th, 2017.  This event was organized to celebrate the 35th anniversary of IOCaribe, the regional Sub-Commission of IOC-UNESCO covering the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions. Continue reading “IOCARIBE 35th Anniversary, International Marine Science Conference”

Towards an Integrated Reporting Mechanism for the CLME+ SAP

March 27, 2017 – The Global Environment Facility (GEF), through its International Waters (IW) Focal Area, financially supports the adoption of the “Large Marine Ecosystem approach” for the collaborative, transboundary management of shared marine resources. In this context, the GEF and UNDP foster the adoption of a cyclical approach of joint (a) Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis (TDA) and (b) Strategic Planning. Continue reading “Towards an Integrated Reporting Mechanism for the CLME+ SAP”