CLME is different from many other projects dealing with shared living marine resources in the Caribbean, in the sense that:
• it covers the full region and not just a sub-region or individual country
• by doing so, it is uniquely positioned to address the critical need for a holistic, region-wide reference framework for action on shared living marine resources; such framework will allow the strengthening of governance mechanisms (improvement and homogenization of policy, legal, and institutional arrangements) and management practices (key investments in the field) that will allow all other individual actions and sub-regional or national-level projects undertaken by governments, civil society, ngos and other donors to become better integrated and be more effective and synergetic
• by focusing on the root causes of the identified problems, the CLME SAP will strive for structural change, which will deliver in the medium- and long term, through its catalytic effect, the biggest potential return on investments
• notwithstanding the former, as the CLME SAP will build as much as possible on existing organizations, efforts towards medium to long-term benefits from structural change will be complemented by clearly measurable short-term impacts obtained from the further improvement of already existing actions and initiatives
Once the CLME SAP has been endorsed at the ministerial level in an as large as possible number of countries from the wider Caribbean, a new request for donor support from the GEF can be formulated in order to assist/co-finance the implementation of a set of high-priority actions from the CLME SAP. Other potential donors and the private sector should also be addressed: the SAP document will be very helpful for guiding donors towards (co-)financing regional priorities, and for establishing synergies and avoiding duplication of efforts. In addition to this, it must be mentioned that –as was the case for the CLME project itself- country commitments to co-financing part of the SAP actions will be sought by the GEF.
Although the CLME’s Strategic Action Programme does not focus its actions on adapting to the potential impacts of Climate Variability and Change, due attention is being given during the development of the Action Programme to the screening of the proposed interventions and activities on (i) their robustness in the context of the uncertainty associated to climate change, and on (ii) their contribution to increasing the resilience of human societies and ecosystems to climate variability and change.
POSTAL ADDRESS: Edificio Chambacú - Oficina 405, Cra 13B# 26-78, Cartagena de Indias, Bolívar, Colombia