Under the CLME Project, a total of 4 Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis (TDA) reports were prepared. TDA's are technical-scientific analyses that identify and link transboundary problems to their direct, intermediate and root causes and, as such, facilitate the identification of solutions to environmental-societal priority issues.
Reef & Pelagic Fisheries TDA.
Continental Shelf Fisheries TDA
Governance TDA
Regional TDA
Regional TDA (Executive Summary)
Regional TDA (Recommendations)
Whereas the preliminary TDA's developed under the preparatory phase of the CLME Project departed from a geographic subdivision of the Wider Caribbean Region (see below), for the final CLME TDA's an ecosystem-based approach was followed - this was done in accordance with the desire expressed by the CLME stakeholders to implement the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management (EAF) for the CLME:
It was recognized that 3 major ecosystem types were hosting the most important fisheries in the Wider Caribbean. Bearing in mind the CLME Project's aim to achieve progress towards an Ecosystem-Based Management approach, these 3 major "fishery" ecosystems were used as the basis for the development of the updated TDA's.
The transboundary analyses of "problems" and associated "direct", "indirect" and "root causes" conducted for both the "Reef Ecosystem" and "Pelagic Ecosystem" were bundled in a single TDA report, whereas the "Continental Shelf Ecosystem" TDA has been delivered as a separate report.
In addition to these "Fishery Ecosystem"-based TDA's, a "Governance" TDA report has also been produced. Finally, CLME-level analyses and conclusions have been reported in a "Regional TDA" document, for which an "Executive Summary" and "Recommendations for Priority Actions" section have also been provided.
What came before: the PDF-B Phase of the CLME Project
Preliminary analyses of transboundary problems in the CLME were already conducted prior to the start of the GEF-funded "Full-Size" CLME Project (2009-2013), under the so-called GEF PDF Preparaty Block B Grant (2006-2008).
For this purpose the CLME Region was subdivided in 3 sub-regions, and for each one of these regions a preliminary Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis was completed. These 3 sub-regions were:
Insular Caribbean
Central & NW South America
Guianas/Brazil (NE South America)
POSTAL ADDRESS: Edificio Chambacú - Oficina 405, Cra 13B# 26-78, Cartagena de Indias, Bolívar, Colombia
EMAIL: info@clmeproject.org